Isnin, 31 Januari 2011

Melaka mula dilanda banjir

Utusan Online
31/01/2011 6:17pm

MELAKA 31 Jan. – Banjir di Melaka meragut mangsa pertama hari ini di Jasin sementara 2,714 mengsa dipindahkan di 26 pusat pemindahan di ketiga-tiga daerah di Melaka sehingga empat petang ini.

Jurucakap bilik gerakan banjir negeri berkata mangsa yang dipindahkan terdiri daripada 616 keluarga di daerah Jasin, Alor Gajah dan Melaka Tengah.

Seramai 1,275 mangsa dari 330 keluarga dipindahkan di Jasin di 15 pusat pemindahanan, 1,390 mangsa dari 278 keluarga di Alor Gajah di 10 pusat pemindahan dan 49 mangsa dari lapan keluarga di Melaka Tengah di satu pusat pemindahan.

Ketua Polis Daerah Jasin, DSP Che Suza Che Hitam berkata, mangsa yang ditemui lemas ialah Yusry Mohd Yusof, 40, seorang pengawal keselamatan di Loji Air, Kg Chinchin, di Jasin.

"Mangsa dilaporkan terjatuh ke kolam itu pada pukul 10 pagi ini dan polis dengan bantuan orang ramai, pasukan bomba dan penyelamat menemui mayat mangsa pada kira-kira 1.30 tengahari,” katanya ketika dihubungi Bernama.

Menurutnya mangsa tinggal berdekatan dengan tempat kerjanya.

Sementara itu, Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam berkata antara kawasan yang teruk dilanda banjir ialah Asahan, Selandar, Batang Melaka, Tehel, Melaka Pindah dan Lipat Kajang.

"Mangsa mula dipindahkan ke pusat pemindahan sejak petang semalam dan malam tadi,” katanya.

Menurut beliau air di kawasan terbabit naik antara 0.2 meter hingga 0.4 meter ekoran hujan renyai dan kadang kala lebat yang turun di negeri ini sejak dua hari lepas.

Beliau berkata kerajaan negeri telah membuka bilik gerakan banjir yang beroperasi 24 jam di Kota Cemerlang, Air Keroh di sini dan boleh menghubunginya di talian 06-2333333.

Terkejut jumpa belut dalam tandas.

Pada suatu hari ada sorang lelaki berlegar legar disebuah pekan. Dia berjalan dari sebuah kedai kesebuah kedai yang lain. Rupanya tujuan dia ialah mencari kedai jam, kerana jam tangan dia sudah pun rosak. Cari punya cari, akhirnya jumpa sebuah kedai jam. Maka bermula lah dailog;

Lelaki: "Apek, boleh repair saya punya jam?"

Apek: "Boleh, boleh"

Lelaki: "Tapi apek, saya mahu cepat pasal sudah dekat raya ni, hari ni boleh siap ke pek?"

Apek: "Mana boleh, esok angkat la"

Lelaki: "Tak boleh la pek, rumah saya jauh, mau datang sini pun banyak susah, tapi kalau apek boleh bagi cepat saya bayar upah double"

Apek: "Oklah! Nanti setengah jam lu mari"

Lelaki itu pun beredar, maka si apek pun cepat cepat repair jam tu. Dia pun mula bawak jam tu ke meja tempat dia memperbaiki jam yang rosak. Lampu meja pun dinyalakan. Screw driver yang kecil-kecil memang dah tersedia disitu. Apek pun tarik bangku nak duduk. Kanta pembesar yang bulat diambil dan diletakkan dimata, dikepit antara pipi dan kening, mata lagi satu ditutup, dengan kanta mata ni, screw jam yang kecik2 pun nampak besar gajah......tiba-tiba, apek terasa nak kecing. Dia pun berdiri dan terus lari kebilik air, pintu bilik air dibuka, penutup mangkuk tandas diangkat, zip seluar dibuka, tanpa membuang masa apek pun meneruskan hajatnya.. tiba tiba apek terkejut beruk lalu pengsan ditandas.
Dengan penolongan isterinya apek berjaya dihantar ke hospital dengan ambulans...

Selepas beberapa jam apek pun sedar. Doktor bertanya:

Doktor: "Macamana boleh pengsan apek"

Apek : " Masa saya dalam tandas, saya ada nampak itu "belut" ada tembak air pada saya, naga banyak besar"

''''Doktor: "Apek Apek, lain kali kalau mau kencing, itu kanta kat mata tanggalkan dulu"

Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

Nuffnang oh nuffnang

Sedihnye hati ni..
Korang mesti taukan kenapa aku sedih sangat nih.. kalau yang tak paham tu sila la rujuk pada gambar diatas..
Yes.. status aku dalam akaun nuffnang hanya biasa siap ada dalam kurungan lagi tu bukan eksklusif. Dulu elok-elok ada status Glitterati sekarang dah turun pangkat jadi biasa pulak.. sebab apa jadi mcm nih? sebab aku sendiri tak baca apa rule yang pihak nuffnang tetapkan jadi memang aku akui memang silap aku, biasa la noob.

Bila dah jadi macam ni mula la kelam kabut cari apa silap aku dah buat.Selak punya selak, belek punya belek baru la aku tau apa silap aku sebetulnyer..

Screen shot dari nuffnang

Baru aku tau yang pihak nuffnang memang dah menetapkan selain dari iklan nuffnang atau pautan yang menghubungkan kepada rangkaian yang berasal dari asia akan mengakibatkan status Glitterai akan disingkirkan.

Kalau status Glitterati pun aku tak ada mcm mana nak dapat status eksklusif. Jadi apa yang aku boleh buat sekarang ialah cuba hubungi pihak nuffnang melalui contact us dan menghantar pemohonan status Glitterati dan mengemas kini survey balik.
Harap-harap dapat la balik status Glitterati.Pada pihak nuffnang harap dapat la pertimbangkan balik permohonan aku.

Khamis, 27 Januari 2011


Tiga empat kali jugak aku fikir sebelum nak publishkan entry yang satu nih. Ye la aku ni pun baru berapa hari je aktif berblogging ni dah nak kasi nasihat kat korang semua.Bukan niat aku nak singgung bukan niat aku nak kacau tapi niat aku just nak share je benda yang aku dapat dari hasil blogwalking aku sampai terjumpanyer blog akalemosi yang banyak tips dan tutorial yang berguna sesuai untuk blogger baru macam aku..

OK kembali ke topik entry nih..
korang tau tak yang kite boleh tau berapa berat blog kite sebenarnyer.. bende ni bagi aku penting untuk sesebuah blog. Bayangkan kalau blog korang terlalu berat dan masa untuk loading blog korang mengambil masa yang agak lama.Perkara ni akan terjadi kerana bukan semua orang menggunakan internet berkelajuan tinggi dan hal ini akan merumitkan sesetengah pembaca untuk membaca blog korang.Ini akan menyebabkan peratus visitor memasuki blog akan berkurangan.

Macam aku sendiri banyak kali dah alami perkara ni.Almaklum la aku pakai internet pun yang murah tak mampu nak bayar mahal-mahal RM70 sebulan pun dah mahal bagi aku.Kadang-kadang tu terjumpa blog yang berat ni sampai page dia nak siap loading pun makan masa.. dah siap loading pun bile aku nak scroll kebawah boleh pulak tersangkut-sangkut.

Jadi aku sertakan tool kat bawah ni untuk korang timbang blog korang.Kalau berat blog korang cecah atau melebihi 100KB kire dah berat sangat la tu..


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Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Jet Li jadi warga Singapura

SINGAPURA - Bintang kung fu kelahiran Beijing, China yang terkenal, Jet Li semalam mengesahkan bahawa dia telah menjadi warganegara Singapura.

Li mengambil keputusan untuk menetap di Singapura kerana aspek keselamatan dan sistem pendidikan negara itu yang memberi penekanan terhadap pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris dan Mandarin kepada para pelajarnya.

Menurut Li, dia mahu anak-anaknya menerima pendidikan bahasa Inggeris dan Cina di negara tersebut.

Li yang membintangi banyak filem Hollywood termasuk The Expendables dan The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor menyatakan keputusannya itu turut dipengaruhi oleh ketiadaan paparazi di negara itu.

"Anak-anak saya akan menerima pendidikan dua bahasa yang baik selain kestabilan sosial negara ini.

"Mereka (anak-anaknya) juga tidak akan diganggu oleh para wartawan," kata Li dalam bahasa Mandarin.

Li yang berada di Singapura untuk menyertai persidangan dermawan menyatakan rasa terkejut ekoran minat orang ramai berhubung penghijrahannya dari Amerika Syarikat (AS) ke Singapura.

"Melucukan kerana saya telah memegang pasport AS dan tinggal di sana selama 20 tahun, tiada siapa yang bercakap mengenainya. Sekarang, bila saya datang ke Singapura, semua orang ingin tahu kenapa saya datang ke sini," katanya.

Terdapat khabar angin yang menyatakan bahawa bintang filem itu membeli sebuah rumah berharga AS$14 juta (RM42.7 juta) di Singapura.

Li tidak menyatakan sama ada dia menggugurkan ke rakyatan AS dan China tetapi undang-undang Singapura membenarkan rakyatnya memiliki dua kerakyatan.

Li mengikut jejak langkah aktres popular China, Gong Li yang menjadi warganegara Singapura pada 2008.

Isnin, 24 Januari 2011

Jom buat motor dengan lighter...!!!

Rokok pun sekarang dah mahal.. jadi aku ingat mesti ramai yang berhenti isap rokok sekarang nih.. oleh kerana dah berhenti merokok dah tentu-tentu bersepah lighter kat rumah tu kan???.
Apa kata kalau lighter tu korang bikin jadi motor mesti gempak kan??!!..

Jom tengok macam mana nak bikin motor pakai lighter......

Memerlukan dua lighter

Sesi mem"barai"kan lighter

Komponen yang diperlukan untuk sebijik motor

Perhatikan betul-betul barang yang digunakan untuk ekzos

Smart giler motor nih.. kat sini kene guna kretiviti korang untuk tambah no plate dan cermin sisi.

Mantap tak motor ni.. aku tak tau korang tapi bagi aku memang smart.. jadi pada sapa-sapa yang nak cuba dialu-alukan sangat.. kalau menjadi tu aku syorkan kat korang try jual bende nih.. Nah!! dah boleh buat duit tepi bukan??

Khamis, 20 Januari 2011

Dinar Dan Dirham


Pernah tak korang dengar apa-apa perkara mengenai satu jenis emas yang di panggil Dinar. Aku percaya korang para blogger mesti pernah terjumpa blog yang menceritakan atau pun ada juga yang menjual Dinar nih.Dalam dunia ni ada bermacam-macam bentuk emas ada yang berbentuk jongkong emas, emas mentah dan berbagai lagi dan dinar ini sendiri emas yang berbentuk syiling dalam kata lainya syiling emas.

Kalau yang tak biasa dengar pasal dinar ni mungkin biasa dengar orang menyebut dirham yang macam dalam filem P.Ramlie... 1 dirham.. 2 dirham.. Yup dinar dan dirham adalah satu jenis matawang yang diguna pakai satu ketika dahulu pada zaman nabi kita.. kalau dirham dihasilkan dari perak dan dinar pulak dari emas(dalam citer P.Ramlie panggil wang emas).

Tapi sekarang ni dinar dan dirham tidak lagi digunakan sebagai matawang dimana-mana negara termasuk la di negara Arab sekalipun.Dinar dan dirham ketika ini lebih dijadikan barangan koleksi oleh individu-individu yang memahami kelebihan dinar dan dirham ini.Kenapa aku cakap mempunyai kelebihan?
Sememangnya dinar dan dirham mempunyai kelebihanya yang tersendiri.. tapi sekarang aku tak nak sentuh dulu bab tu kalau korang nak tau jugak try la tanya pakcik google apa kelebihan dinar nih, nanti satu hari nanti aku akan cuba buat satu entry mengenai kelebihan dinar..

Apa yang aku nak sampaikan cuma kesedaran korang pasal dinar dan dirham ni.Lebih cepat korang sedar mengenai dinar dan dirham lebih bagus aku rasa sebab Nabi Muhammad S.A.W sendiri pernah berkata akan tiba satu hari nanti tiada yang lebih bernilai dari emas dan perak.. macam tu la lebih kurang ayatnya.Maksudnya kat sini nabi kita dah sound kite awal-awal yang satu hari nanti wang kertas dalam dunia ni tidak akan bernilai langsung melainkan perkara-perkara yang disebut dan emas adalah salah satu darinya.

Jadi ada logiknya kiter mula menyimpan emas ni.. tak kesah la dalam betuk jongkong atau dinar ni ikut kemampuan.

(Salah satu gambar dinar.Dinar ni nama Dinar Restu)

Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

Kenapa perlu ada "DOWH"!!

Satu ari 2 sahabat bertemu d tengah jalan..

"Ei ko nak gi mana dowh?"

"Jalan le derr.."

"Nak gi mana dowh?"

"Jalan2 la derr.."

"Ala ckp la dowh!"

"Jalan2 cari makan derr.."

"ikut dowh"

"Jom der"

Aku pasti korang mesti biasa dengar ayat macam kat atas tu sebelum ni kan. Dan aku pasti antara korang mesti biasa pakai perkataan "doh" masa kecik-kecik dulukan.
Aku sendiri seingat aku selalu sangat ucap perkataan "doh" ni pada penghujung ayat aku mungkin disebabkan terikut ikut dengan kawan yang lain..

Aku pasti perkataan doh ni asalnyer dari perkataan bodoh bile dah selalu sangat guna ayat bodoh mula la nak singkatkan jadi doh. Tapi boleh ke kita tahu sapa dan dimana ayat ni mula digunakan? Tolong jangan cakap orang pantai timur yang mulakan sebab aku memang bukan asal orang sana dan mengikut pengalaman aku doh ni menurut orang sana sudoh di pendekkan jadi doh jugak.. hehehe..

Masa kecik-kecik dulu tak perasan tapi bile dah besar panjang ni mula la terpikir kenapa mesti guna ayat "doh" ni disebabkan telinga ni mula panas dengar ayat tuh. Adakah untuk membuktikan kekuatan ayat itu ataupun untuk membuktikan orang yang cakap tu lebih pandai dari orang lain?

Yang bertambah peliknyer aku perkataan doh ni tak pernah pupus ataupun di ketegorikan ketinggalan zaman walaupun dah wujud bertahun-tahun lamanyer malah telah di"upgrade" ejaanyer menjadi "dowh" dengan budak-budak zaman sekarang ni... hebat bukan..

Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

Dr. Faizul dengan gadis 20-an

Gadis >"Doktor, saya merasa amat marah pada kekasih saya sehingga saya
memanggilnya lelaki bangsat. Ada kalanya saya rasa dia keterlaluan, dan
ada kalanya pula saya rasa memang patut saya memanggil dia seperti

Doktor>"Hmm. panggilan itu memang hinaan yg agak melampaui batas untuk
seseorang.. tapi, mungkin kamu punya sebab tersendiri memanggilnya
demikian. Ceritakanlah kpd saya agar saya dapat membantu.."

G> "Ya memang ada.. pada satu malam kami berduaan dalam kereta di tepi pantai. Dia pegang tangan saya."

D>"Dia pegang tangan kamu seperti ini?" dr Faizul memberi contoh.

G> "Ya. sepert i yg doktor lakukan"

D> "Kalau hanya ini, tidak sepatutnya dia dipanggil bangsat. Itu tandanya dia tidak mau berpisah dgn kamu..."

G> "Kemudian dia merapatkan badannya kepada saya dan memeluk bahu saya..."

D> "Dia lakukan seperti inikah?"
G> "Ya. seperti inilah dia peluk saya doktor.."

D> "Itu bukan bangsat, itu tandanya dia mau sentiasa berdampingan dgn kamu" kata dr Faizul.

G> "Kemudian dia cium saya."

D> "Dia cium kamu seperti ini? mmpphh..chhuupp...!!!"
G> "Ya. Ciumannya sama seperti yg doktor lakukan."

D> "Kalau sekadar ciuman seperti ini, masih belum boleh dipanggil bangsat, i tu tandanya dia sayang kamu, kan ?"

G> "Kemudian dia memasukkan tangannya kedalam baju saya & meraba2 saya doktor.."
D> "Dia lakukan seperti ini kah?"
G> "Ya, seperti yg doktor lakukan inilah cara dia memperlakukannya. ."
D> "Itu bukan bangsat, itu tandanya dia mau membelai diri kamu.."

G> "Kemudian dia menanggalkan semua pakaian saya satu persatu.."
D> "Adakah kamu membantah tindakannya? "
G> "Tidak, saya merelakannya sebab saya sayang dia.."
D> "Dia tanggalkan pakaian kamu seperti ini ?"
G> "Ya, sampai saya telanjang bulat seperti ini doktor..."

D> "Itu masih belum layak dipanggil bangsat, kerana dia sememang ingin mengenali diri kamu sepenuhnya"

G> "Kemudian dia mencumbui saya lalu melakukan hubungan seksual dgn saya ..."

(selepas seketika.... )

D> "Dia lakukan seperti yg kita lakukan tadi kah?"

G> "Ya. Memang itulah yg dia lakukan ketika itu"

D> "hmm... itu juga masih belum boleh dipanggil bangsat. Itu tandanya dia memerlukan kamu !"

G> "Tapi kemudian dia memberitahu saya bahawa dia ada HIV positif"


Khamis, 13 Januari 2011

Honda Civic 2011 (CONCEPT CAR)

Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

The Green Hornet in 3D

The Green Hornet in 3D

Green Hornet

Tak sabar nak tengok cerite Green Hornet in 3D.. yes mostly today filem it's all about 3D
Kalau tak silap aku green hornet ni citer lama.. Biasa la skang semua ambik filem filem lama dan dibuat semula dengan teknologi-teknologi yang lebih canggih dan aksi-aksi yang lebih gempak gitu.
Pada asalnya cerite ni sebuah drama bersiri yang diterbitkan oleh George W. Trendle dan Fran Striker pada tahun 1936.Dan kejayaan drama ni sehingga tercipta komik Green Hornet dan tahun ini sebuah filem la pulak..

Kalau tak silap aku citer ni pasal sorang pemuda bernama Britt Reid seorang penerbit surat khabar yang kaya raya dengan pembantunya menentang jenayah dengan kereta hitam canggih dorang bla.. bla.. bla.. bla.. bla.. bende yang sama cuma jalan cerite je yang lain sikit tapi yang tetap penjahat kalah dan yang baik menang.Macam mana dorang menang? ha.. yang itu kite tak tau lagi..
Apa yang menarik cerite ni dulu disebabkan aksi dorang nak lawan penjahat dengan kepandaian berkungfu si pembantu Britt Reid ni tadi dan korang mesti tau sapa orang tu kan? tak lain tak bukan si legend Bruce Lee..

Kalau korang tengok cerite kisah hidup Bruce Lee memang ada pasal cerite Green Hornet ni tapi ni masa mula-mula Bruce Lee masuk Hollywood berlakon itu pun jadi pelakon pembantu, disebabkan Bruce Lee la cerita ni meletup dulu..
Sebab kedua aku nak tengok cerite ni sudah tentu si awek cantik (cantik lagi ke?) Cameron Diaz.. Lama dah aku tak tengok awek ni berlakon.. last aku tengok pun dia berlakon dengan Tom Cruise dalam ceriteee... ceritee apa ye??

Isnin, 10 Januari 2011

Chart Pattern - Double Top (Reversal)

Double Top (Reversal)

The double top is a major reversal pattern that forms after an extended uptrend. As its name implies, the pattern is made up of two consecutive peaks that are roughly equal, with a moderate trough in-between

The double top in Ford took about 5 months to form. Even after the support break, there was another test of newfound resistance almost 4 months later.

  1. From a low near 10 in Mar-97, Ford advanced to 36 by Dec-98. The trend line extending up from Mar-97 is an internal trend line and Ford held above it until the break in May-99.
  2. From the first peak, the stock declined around 15% to form the trough.
  3. After reaching a low near 30 1/2 in early February, the trough formed over the next 2 months, and there wasn't a rally until early April. This long-drawn-out low suggested tepid demand.
  4. The decline from 36.80 occurred with two gaps down and increased volume. Furthermore, Chaikin Money Flow promptly moved below -10%. The speed with which money flows deteriorated indicated a serious increase in selling pressure.
  5. In late May and early June, the stock traded for about 3 weeks at support from the previous low. During this time, money flows declined below -20%. Even though the situation looked ominous, the double formation would not be complete until support was broken.
  6. Support was broken in early June when the stock fell below 28 1/2, which was more than 3% below support at 30 1/2. After this sharp drop, there was an equally sharp advance back above the newfound resistance level. While a test of broken support can be expected, it is usually not quite this early. The advance to 32 in late June may have triggered some unpleasant short covering for those who jumped in on the first support break. The stock fell to 25, and then began the retracement advance that would ultimately test support.

On the second chart, 30 3/4 marked the support turned resistance level, and 31 marked a 50% retracement of the decline from 36.80 to 25. Combined with the price action in early June and early July, a resistance zone could probably be established between 31 and 32. The stock subsequently formed a lower high at 30 in Jan-00, and declined to around 22 by mid-March.

Jumaat, 7 Januari 2011

Oanda FXTrade

Oanda FXTrade

With the precision and accuracy offered by today’s computing systems and real-time market reporting systems, it’s interesting to note that many forex trading companies still rely on dealing desks and other manual intervention to execute trades and perform other trading activities, often resulting in delays that can cause a variation of spreads or other anomalies that stray from real-time data. OANDA is a company that seeks to move away from those difficulties by offering a fully automated trading environment, featuring real-time spreads as well as near-instant executions and continuous interest payouts. OANDA has continually introduced new innovations to the forex arena, and continues to strive to remain at the cutting edge of forex trading technology.


OANDA was co-founded in the mid-1990s by Dr. Michael Stumm, professor of Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto computer engineering professor Dr. Michael Stumm, and Dr. Richard Olsen of The Olsen Ltd., a leading econometric research and development firm. In 2001, OANDA launched its trading platform, FXTrade, which was one of the first fully automated online currency trading platforms then available.

OANDA reports it handles more than a million queries each day, and estimates that more than 20 percent of the world’s online spot forex transactions occur through its servers. As an account service provider (ASP) company, OANDA serves more than 75,000 ASP clients globally.

The OANDA corporate team includes a four-member board of directors and a seven-member management team.

Key Registrations

Incorporated in the State of Delaware, OANDA is registered as a Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), and is a member of the National Futures Association (NFA ID #0325821).

Funds are held at top-tier banks, such as J.P. Morgan Chase, Royal Bank of Scotland, Deutsche Bank, and the Royal Bank of Canada, and are withdrawn only as the result of customer request during trading and account activity.

Vital Trading Information About OANDA

OANDA uses a proprietary 100 percent automated trading system, affording real-time executable and transparent pricing, instant settlement and deal confirmation, and continuous interest payments. There is no dealer intervention. Trading activities are performed via OANDA’s trading platform, FXTrade. For a tour and demonstration of the platform and its performance and use during trading activities, OANDA offers video-based tutorials:

Minimum Deposit Amounts

OANDA does not have a minimum deposit requirement, and allows trades in any size without lot size requirements.

Account Set-Up

Account set-up takes about 10 minutes or less and can be initiated via an online form located here:

During online registration, users will need to provide data including account currency type and personal and financial information, as well as answering regulatory compliance questions. Once the online form has been submitted, users will be asked to forward scans of government-issued identification and proof of residence to OANDA’s offices for account confirmation. As soon as the account is confirmed, login information will be provided and you will be asked to wire funds to open your account.

Demo Accounts

OANDA calls its demo account FXGame, and offers it to all potential traders free of cost, with no time limits or expiration dates. Users interact with the same features as are available with active accounts, including the same user interface features. The game allows users to trade under real market conditions using live, “actual market” prices and spreads, to fully synthesize the trading experience and give both novice and experienced traders a feel for the features offered by the actual OANDA trading platform, and an opportunity to safely try out new strategies before implementing them with real cash. FXGame also allows users to access news, analytical tools, charts and other tools and data available to users of the actual trading platform.

Dealing Desk

OANDA does not employ a dealing desk.

Chart Patterns and the Trend

There are many chart patterns in the forex market: Trend, Support, Resistance, Flag, Pennant, Wedge, Gap, Head and shoulders, Rectangle, Ascending triangle, Descending triangle, Symmetrical triangle, Breakout, Double top, Triple top, Double bottom, Triple bottom, Price channel, Rounding bottom, Rounding top. The charts below show some of the chart patterns in the forex market.

See also:
Chart Patterns Tutorial Belo

Chart Patterns and the Trend

Khamis, 6 Januari 2011



FxPro. When it comes to forex trading companies, bigger isn’t always better. Such is the case with FxPro, a full-service company with a six-member management team that earned top awards from World Finance magazine. Offering the same services as larger trading companies, FxPro prides itself on providing excellent customer service and attention to details, making it a favorite among traders of all sizes.
About FxPro

FxPro is a full-service forex market trading services company, offering a wide range of financial instruments, including metals, foreign exchange, futures and indices and Contracts for Differences (CFDs) on stocks. Founded in 2006 as EuroOrient Securities & Financial Services Ltd by a group of dedicated and experienced financial experts, the company changed its name to FxPro Financial Services Ltd and today serves clients in more than 120 countries, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. With physical locations in the United Kingdom, Russia, France, Greece and Austria, FxPro prides itself on its culture of corporate social responsibility, and employees regularly volunteer in the communities where they are located.

Chairman and founding partner and Denis Sukhotin leads the six-member FxPro management team. Sukhotin holds a master’s degree in finance and economics from the Moscow Institute of Entrepreneurship and Law, and a diploma in business administration from Limassol, Cyprus’ CTL College. In 2009, World Finance magazine named FxPro as Europe’s ‘Best Forex Broker.’

Key Registrations

FxPro is authorised and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC, the regulatory and supervisory authority for the financial services industry in Cyprus. CySEC is a member of the CESR (Committee of European Securities Regulators).

The company operates under the EU Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) and under the Cypriot Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law of 2007 (Law 144(I)/2007). Adopted by Cypress in 2007, MiFID provides regulation of investment services firms operating within the European Economic Area. Lnks to licenses, policies and procedures adopted under MiFID guidelines can be seen at FxPro also holds a cross-border license, allowing the company to operate internationally.

Vital Trading Information About FxPro

With its real-time charting and analytics, FxPro offers a wealth of opportunity and options for both experienced and novice traders. FxPro also offers several powerful and popular trading platforms, including

* MT4 Standard
* iPhone
* WebTrader
* MT4 MultiTerminal
* Mobile PDA SmartPhone

Trading conditions and platforms can be seen at

Minimum Deposit Amounts

The minimum initial deposit required to open an account is $500 or equivalent in EUR, CHF, GBP, JPY. Both deposits and withdraws can be made using a variety of options, including bank wire transfers; Visa, Visa Electron and Visa Delta; MasterCard; Maestro International and Maestro UK; PayPal; Neteller; and Moneybookers. All options can be used without incurring charges from FxPro.

Account Set-Up

Setting up an account is a simple process that can usually be completed in five to ten minutes, and involves just a few steps:

* Complete the registration form, including the email address you want to have associated with the account
* Activate your account by clicking on the link that will be emailed to you after you complete the registration form
* Create your password and check your email once more for your trading credentials
* Login to your FxPro account
* Upload required documents, including personal identification and proof of address (you can see the specific requirements at this link:
* Deposit funds

Demo Accounts

In addition to its full-service trading accounts, FxPro site offers a demo account to allow potential clients an opportunity to fully explore all of the options available to them through FxPro. With a $100,000 USD unlimited Demo Account, novice traders are encouraged to explore the world of currency trading, learning new skills and enhancing current knowledge. The no-cost, no-fee demo allows users to test their strategies using real-time quotes and real market conditions, with charts and other analytic tools that can help you become comfortable in the currency marketplace. FxPro’s demo account also allows users to track the performance of both short- and long-term strategies without any risk or obligation. All analytic tools and charts in the demo account are the same tools active accountholders use every day, meaning inexperienced traders can see how a real account would actually behave.


Dukascopy is a Swiss brokerage forex house which was established primarily to serve the needs of institutional and other large-volume traders, offering both automated and anonymous trading options and one-click execution for even large orders.
About Dukascopy

Founded in 1998, Dukascopy offers direct access to the Swiss Foreign Exchange Marketplace, and offers the largest pool of spot forex liquidity for its clients. Drawing from an extensive network of banking partners, Dukascopy offers full Prime Broker capability and is committed to transparency and security in the forex industry.

Dukascopy’s corporate hierarchy includes a four-member executive committee that oversees four divisions: IT and Operations; Marketing and Sales; Logistics and HR; and Finance and Risk Management.
To keep things interesting and encourage transparency among its traders, Dukascopy also offers a “Trader of the Month” contest for its clients, awarding the trading account with the best performance a personal invitation to the company’s office in Geneva to receive a Swiss Luxury Watch valued at 15000 CHF. Past winners include ex-Presidents Bill Clinton (USA), Pascal Couchepin (Switzerland) and Vladimir Putin (Russia), and ex-UN Secretary Kofi Annan.

Minimum Deposit Amounts

Dukascopy (Suisse) SA offers Forex trading accounts both to individuals and to institutional clients. The company’s services are optimized for institutional trading, and recommended deposit size for these accounts is 50,000 USD and up. For individuals, minimum deposit amounts vary based on the type of account, and range from $5,000 for a retail account to $1M for a VIP account, which includes extras such as a personal VIP account manager and priority in both trading support and technical support features.

Currently, Dukascopy accounts support the following seven currencies: USD, CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY, CAD and AUD. Funding for accounts can be made through wire transfer, bank guarantees, and Swiss custodian banking services (segregated Swiss bank account). The minimum deposit for the Swiss custodian account is 250,000 USD.

Account Set-Up

Setting up an account is relatively simple using the company’s online form. Registration requirements vary for individual and legal entity accounts. Both require filling in the trading agreement form and the form to request an account opening, a certified or notarized copy of an ID or passport and a copy of a utility bill showing proof of residence. Legal entity accounts must also provide a full set of corporate documents and the corporate resolution authorizing the account to be opened. For both individual and legal entity accounts, all forms must be mailed to Dukascopy for review and approval. Once approved, an account number will be provided and an initial deposit of at least $5,000 USD or equivalent in other currencies must be made via wire transfer. Once the account is funded, login information and password will be provided.

Demo Accounts

Dukascopy offers a 14-day demo account that allows registrants to trade using the same functionalities and same data feed as are offered by the Live SWFX – Swiss FX Marketplace. The demo is free to use for a 14-day trial and requires filling out a simple, online form. Once registered, demo account users will have access to all of the same features as regular account traders, offering novices an ideal way to familiarize themselves with the account options. Dukascopy recommends use of its demo account for all prospective clients, especially individual accountholders.

Dealing Desk

There is no dealing desk execution at Dukascopy.

Emerging Market Currencies in 2011

Emerging market assets/currencies registered some unbelievable gains in 2010 as the global economy emerged from recession and investor risk appetite picked up. In the last few months, however, emerging market currencies gave back some of their gains as the EU sovereign debt crisis flared up and the currency wars began to rage. Given that neither of these uncertainties is likely to be resolved anytime soon, 2011 could be a tumultuous year for emerging markets.

Let’s look at the numbers for emerging markets in 2010. The highlights for currencies were the Malaysian ringgit and Thai baht rose, both of which “rose around 10% against the dollar, to their strongest levels since the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s. The South African rand was up 14% versus the dollar. It was a minor currency, however, that was the world’s best-performing: Mining-rich Mongolia’s togrog finished the year 15% higher against the dollar.” After being allowed to resume its appreciation, the Chinese Yuan rose by a modest 3.5%.

The J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index Global returned a record 11.9% in 2010, to the extent that now trades at a modest 2.5% spread over US Treasury bonds. The standout was probably Argentina, whose sovereign debt returned a whopping 35% over the year. Switching to equities, the MSCI Emerging Markets Index returned 16.4%, handily beating the MSCI World Index, which itself rose by an impressive 9.6%. The individual top performing stock markets in 2010 unsurprisingly were “Frontier markets such as Sri Lanka (+96.0%), Bangladesh (+83.5%), Estonia (+72.6%), Ukraine (+70.2%), the Philippines (+56.7%) and Lithuania (+56.5%).” In total, an estimated $825 Billion in private capital flowed into emerging markets during the year, including $53 Billion into local currency bonds.

Emerging markets took advantage of the surge in investor interest to issue record amount of local currency debt and through a plethora of massive stock IPOs. Still, the intractable rise in currency and asset prices was generally seen as an undesirable trend, and emerging markets took significant steps to counter it. More than a dozen central banks have already intervened directly in currency markets in a bid to hold down their currencies. According to the IMF, “Emerging nations had accumulated $1.2 trillion in currency reserves between the financial crisis’s peak in early 2009 and the third quarter of 2010,” including ~$300 Billion in Asia ex-China. Some countries, such as Brazil – poured $1 Billion a week into forex markets during the height of their intervention campaigns.

Speaking of Brazil, it was also among the first to impose capital controls, in the form of a 6% tax on foreign bond investors. Thailand, South Korea, Taiwan and Indonesia have also imposed capital controls, while Mexico has tapped an IMF credit line, which it can use to “manage the stability of its external balances.” Moreover, these countries collectively won an important victory at the fall meeting of the G20, by receiving formal permission for all of these measures.

Alas, most of these inflows were probably justified by fundamentals, which means that they are more difficult to fight against than if they were merely the product of speculation. For example, “Developing countries expanded at a 7.1 per cent rate, compared with 2.7 per cent in advanced countries.” Moreover, emerging market stocks are trading at an average P/E multiple of 14.5, well below their recent historical average. This means that in spite of impressive performance in 2010, corporate profits are still rising faster than share prices. In addition, yields on emerging market sovereign debt still exceed the yields on comparable debt for western countries, despite being lower risk in some ways.

Rabu, 5 Januari 2011

Hari pertama mamat disekolah.. kalau org lain takut anak masing-masing nagis nak balik aku pulak risau yg si mamat ni buat sekolah tu mcm rumah sendiri.. Apa nak dikata mamat memang happy go lucky punya org itu kalau aku tak ada la.. hehehehe....

Selasa, 4 Januari 2011

Gile lama aku tak update blog buruk aku nih..
Tahun baru ni aku try update sebanyak mungkin
Berjayakah aku?!


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